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Tube-well, Serving well!

Ward No. 4, Bardagoriya Rural Municipality

Kailali District

Dhodharpur, a rural settlement having a population of around 400, is around seventy kilometers away from the district headquarter. This indigenous Tharu hamlet suffered from an acute shortage of potable water.Children and their mothers spent hours fetching water, mostly in early mornings and late evenings.

Children could not complete their school work on time. Lack of water invited a host of other problems: daily activities like bathing, washing clothes, cooking, just for the want of water had become time consuming and labor intensive. Little water that was easily available in the community was harmful for human health due to arsenic poisoning. Children contracted diseases due to consuming unsafe water. The whole community was suffering but the solution was not in sight.In coordination with District WASH Office, GNI Nepal helped build a 300-feet deep tube-well at Shree Uchha Secondary School, Ward No. 6, Dhodharpur.More than hundred households daily draw arsenic-free water for their use. It has saved their precious time and fragile health. These farming households, now, get to spend more time on farming and students have drinkable water all year round.





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