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Drinking Water Restored in School

Child-friendly drinking water taps have been constructed in Raling Secondary School, located in Ward No. 3, Simkot Rural Municipality, Humla. Previously, the school lacked sufficient water taps which limited the students’ access to proper drinking water. The existing taps were broken, exacerbating the issue. Recognizing the need for new drinking water taps, GNI Nepal contributed NRs. 420,000 for the construction, with the school adding another NRP. 100,000.

Now, five child-friendly drinking water taps benefit students, teachers, and support staff of the school. Similar types of child-friendly water taps have also been constructed in other schools of Humla district, namely Bhimsen Secondary School, Ward No.5, Simkot Rural Municipality, Kalsilta  Basic School, Ward No.6, Simkot Rural Municipality, and Humla Secondary School, Ward No. 3, Kharpunath Rural Municipality.

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