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Saemaul Zero Hunger Communities (SZHC) Project Phase I was USD 3 million project implemented from 2012 -2015 in Ladagada and Pokhari VDCs of Doti District in Far-Western Region of Nepal aiming to improve the overall living standard of the rural poor. The project has entered Phase II and is a two-year USD 3 million rural development and livelihood enhancement project that combines best development practices from:
- Korea’s Saemaul Undongrural development model,
- World Food Programme’s experience with Cash and Vouchers (C&V) programming to create assets (Cash for Assets) and improve livelihoods through skill-based training (Cash for Training).
- Good Neighbors International’s Community Development Projects
SZHCP Phase II is a scale-up of the SZHCP Phase I and has the overall goal of strengthening food and nutrition security through promoting sustainable livelihoods, rural asset building, and community capacity enhancement. SZHCP Phase II will continue to ensure sustainability of Phase I results in the previous two project VDCs but expand into five additional VDCs viz. Ganjari, Sanagau, Khirsain, Gaihragaun and Kadamadaun.