Market System Analysis of Nepali Coffee_2018

This report was produced after field study, consultation and secondary data review for the Market System Analysis of Nepalese Coffee, initiated by Coffee Value Chain Development Project (CVCDP) implemented by Beautiful Coffee Nepal (BeaCoN) in partnership with Good Neighbors International (GNI) Nepal and with financial support of European Union and GNI Nepal.

The study team assessed the market system, demand-supply situations, and identified current constraints and opportunities in the Nepali coffee sector. This study has also assessed the existing scenario of Nepali coffee sector, from both demand and supply sides, as well as analyzed the business intervention points, and proposed required improvements in policy measures, based on participatory market system analysis (PMSA). In addition, this report also documents major lessons learnt and recommends programmatic, policy and strategic options for development of Nepali coffee enterprise as well as guide to similar other projects in the future.

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